Perfect for:
- Small Groups (each week includes a Reflection & Application guide; DVD sold separately)
- Individuals looking to understand and surrender to the transforming work of the indwelling Holy Spirit
In these pages you’ll:
- Be challenged with questions like, “What does it really mean to be a follower of Jesus?”
- Dive deeper into the foundational truth that you are being created in the image of God
- Embrace the transforming reality of the prescence of God in your life
About the Book
It is an unfortunate reality that many who know Jesus as Savior have missed the command to know Jesus as Lord. Knowing Jesus as Savior implies that we are going to accept and seek to live by God’s standard. To do so means to live lives that are radically reoriented from our old human nature and from the destructive tendencies of the world in which we live. It is both a journey and the highest calling on the life of a follower of Jesus. There is nothing more demanding, but the road can be walked in joy, because with it comes the assurance of the unbounded love of God.
The Quest for Holiness—From Shallow Belief to Mature Believer is the first in a three part series in which David C. Long introduces disciples of Jesus to the second half of the gospel. After conversion, the fallen self can truly begin to be changed from the inside out, rather than from the outside in. The Quest for Holiness will help individuals, small groups, and entire churches understand humanity’s fallen nature and surrender more and more to the transforming work of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Preview the first chapter of The Quest for Holiness.
Sample Video Session
About the Author
David C. Long began his professional career as a trial lawyer, practicing in Lexington, Kentucky, for fifteen years. He and his wife, Lori, accepted the call to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. This led them and their three children to the Hong Kong field into a missionary career of more than twenty years. He was selected as president of his mission organization, One Mission Society, a position in which he served for ten years. During those years, he earned a doctor of ministry in spiritual formation from Asbury Theological Seminary.
- Length: 7 weeks
- Page count:Â 120
- DVD accompaniment: Optional — 7, 7-8 minute sessions
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