

415 Bridge St.
Franklin, TN 37064

Jane Linton

Billing Address
14924 Bridge Spring Drive
Midlothian VA, 23113

Shipping Address
Radiant Life Church
Attn: Dinner Church Encounter
844 Hartman Road
Wadsworth OH, 44281

Invoice No: 135609
Date: February 7, 2022
Status: Completed
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Item Qty Price Bulk Discount Line Total
Welcome to Dinner, Church - Softcover 30 $9.95 -$179.10 $298.50 $119.40
Dinner Church: Building Bridges by Breaking Bread - Softcover 20 $16.95 -$203.40 $339.00 $135.60
The Dinner Church Handbook - Softcover 20 $18.95 -$227.40 $379.00 $151.60
A Trowel and a Sword - Softcover 20 $16.95 -$203.40 $339.00 $135.60
Subtotal $1355.50
Shipping Flat rate: $28.81
Discount (60% off): Welcome to Dinner, Church - Softcover (#60192) -$179.10
Discount (60% off): A Trowel and a Sword - Softcover (#117058) -$203.40
Discount (60% off): Dinner Church: Building Bridges by Breaking Bread - Softcover (#60172) -$203.40
Discount (60% off): The Dinner Church Handbook - Softcover (#63038) -$227.40
Tax $0.00
Total $571.01