

415 Bridge St.
Franklin, TN 37064

Kristina Dorr

Billing Address


Shipping Address


Invoice No: 124034
Date: October 5, 2021
PO No: New Room discount
Status: Completed
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Item Qty Price Bulk Discount Line Total
New Testament Classroom Kit (one per classroom) - Startup/Part 1 Curriculum 3 $84.95 - $254.85
New Testament Student Take Home Cards (one per student) - Part 1 35 $4.95 - $173.25
New Testament Student Activity Page Booklet (one per student) - Part 1, A: K-2nd Grade 23 $2.95 - $67.85
New Testament Student Activity Page Booklet (one per student) - Part 1, B: 3rd and 4th Grade 12 $2.95 - $35.40
New Testament Classroom Kit (one per classroom) - Part 2 Curriculum 3 $59.95 - $179.85
New Testament Student Take Home Cards (one per student) - Part 2 35 $4.95 - $173.25
New Testament Student Activity Page Booklet (one per student) - Part 2, A: K-2nd Grade 23 $2.95 - $67.85
New Testament Student Activity Page Booklet (one per student) - Part 2, B: 3rd and 4th Grade 12 $2.95 - $35.40
Subtotal $987.70
Shipping Flat rate: $0.00
General Discounts -$197.54
Tax $0.00
Total $790.16