
415 Bridge St.
Franklin, TN 37064

Mike Day
Antioch United Methodist Church

Billing Address
Antioch United Methodist Church
224 Hinkle Rd.
Kenbridge VA, 23944

Shipping Address
Antioch United Methodist Church
224 Hinkle Rd.
Kenbridge VA, 23944

Invoice No: 444384
Date: January 20, 2023
Status: Not paid
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Item Qty Price Bulk Discount Line Total
The Absolute Basics of the Christian Faith - Softcover workbook 11 $14.95 -$16.45 $164.45 $148.00
The Absolute Basics of the Christian Faith - DVD 1 $49.95 -$9.99 $49.95 $39.96
Subtotal $214.40
Shipping Flat rate: $14.99
Discount (20% off): The Absolute Basics of the Christian Faith - DVD (#60316) -$9.99
Bulk Discount (10% off): The Absolute Basics of the Christian Faith - Softcover workbook (#60315) -$16.45
Tax $0.00
Total $202.95