Domino Effect Preaching Workshop [Colossians]


Register here to join us Thursday, March 10, from 9am-12pm CT for a free Zoom Workshop in which we’ll prepare for six weeks of preaching on the book of Colossians through the lens of The Domino Effect, a Seedbed Daily Text series written by J.D. Walt. Beginning on April 18, the Seedbed Daily Text will run The Domino Effect series and your first sermon will coincide with the first Sunday of the series—April 24th. In addition to encouraging your congregation to subscribe to the free Daily Text emails, we also invite you to grab copies of the book for your church community to follow along with the daily readings.



Calling All Pastors!

Register here to join us Thursday, March 10, from 9am-12pm CT for a free Zoom Workshop in which we’ll prepare for six weeks of preaching on the book of Colossians through the lens of The Domino Effect, a Seedbed Daily Text series written by J.D. Walt. Beginning on April 18, the Seedbed Daily Text will run The Domino Effect series and your first sermon will coincide with the first Sunday of the series—April 24th. In addition to encouraging your congregation to subscribe to the free Daily Text emails, we also invite you to grab copies of the book for your church community to follow along with the daily readings.

Most church work is done in teams and groups. When it comes to sermon preparation, we preachers often find ourselves alone, and isolated. The Domino Effect Preaching Workshop is designed to counter the individual, isolated practices of the past and collaborate on a specific season of preaching and worship.

About the Book

When people mention ‘the domino effect,’ they are typically talking about setting up regular dominos into some kind of design in order to tip the first one and begin a chain reaction. But there’s another type of domino effect in which a 2-inch tall domino can topple a larger domino, which can topple an even larger domino, and by the thirty-first domino you knocked over something 3,000 feet higher than Mt. Everest.

And so it is with Colossians, a treasure trove of proverbial dominos, each holding enormous capacity to topple things far exceeding its size. When arranged together they hold the possibility of tipping fresh movements of awakening. That’s what happened from the moment Jesus began calling disciples to follow him. One life tipped into another life, which tipped into a family, which tipped into a village, and a town, and a region.

The dominoes tipped from the Upper Room with 120 people to the Day of Pentecost with 3,000 and all the way to the present day and some two billion Christians around the world. The dominoes are still falling. Impossible things keep happening. And Great Awakenings are still on the horizon.

About the Author and Workshop Leader

J.D. WALT serves as the “Sower-in-Chief” for Seedbed whose sole ambition is to “sow for a great awakening,” by developing theological and ministry training resources for the local church. A sought after speaker and conference leader, a published author and songwriter, J.D. is also the voice of Seedbed’s Daily Text. He hails from Dumas, Arkansas and currently resides with his family in Franklin, Tennessee.