There are 3 Parts in the Life of Discipleship Trackers of Faith Curriculum for the year (see scope and sequence below). In these forty lessons we will be exploring some of the foundations of the faith, but these lessons are organized differently than those of the Old Testament and New Testament years. Every four weeks, you and your students will enter a new module that explores the depth of what we believe as Christians:
- Part 1 – Lessons 1 to 12 (Modules 1-3)
- Part 2 – Lessons 13 to 24 (Modules 4-6)
- Part 3 – Lessons 25 to 40 (Modules 7-10)
A classroom kit is a box set that contains one of each physical item needed to execute Trackers Life of Discipleship in a classroom. Three kits (Startup/Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3) are needed to teach a full year of curriculum. You will want to order one kit for every teaching classroom in your ministry. Each Life of Discipleship Classroom Kit consist of one each of the following:
- A full-color Leader Guide
- DVD of animated videos (+ access to .mp4s on the Digital Hub)
- Large Challenge Poster Set (full year of posters ship in Part 1 Kit)
- Worship Album (+ access to the .mp3s on the Digital Hub)
- Small Teaching Posters
- (3) Student Activity Page Booklets (Level A, Level B, Level C)
- Lyric and Hand Motion videos for worship (accessible on the Digital Hub only)
- The Farm Talk Podcast (accessible on the Digital Hub only)
In addition to the Classroom Kit for each part, each student needs Activity Sheets to go with that kit (purchased separately).
Note: Your Classroom Kit order also authorizes any teacher or parent within your church to access all the worship music, animated videos, and the Farm Talk Podcast free of charge by creating an account on the Digital Hub.
Life of Discipleship Scope and Sequence
Module 1: Who is God?
LESSON 1: God is Trinity
LESSON 2: God is Father
LESSON 3: God is Son
LESSON 4: God is Holy Spirit
Module 2: Word of God
LESSON 5: The Big Story
LESSON 6: Loving God’s Word
LESSON 7: The Power of God’s Word
LESSON 8: Living God’s Word
Module 3: Salvation
LESSON 9: Prevenient Grace
LESSON 10: Justifying Grace
LESSON 11: Sanctifying Grace
LESSON 12: Glorifying Grace
Module 4: Prayer
LESSON 13: The Lord’s Prayer
LESSON 14: The Psalms
LESSON 15: Intercessory Prayer
LESSON 16: Fasting
Module 5: Sacred Life
LESSON 17: Baptism
LESSON 18: The Lord’s Supper
LESSON 19: Worship
LESSON 20: The Washing of Feet
Module 6: Holiness
LESSON 21: God is Holy
LESSON 22: Fruit of the Spirit
LESSON 23: Becoming Like Jesus
LESSON 24: The Law of the Spirit
Module 7: Catechism
LESSON 25: 10 Commandments
LESSON 26: Beatitudes
LESSON 27: Apostle’s Creed
LESSON 28: Sermon on the Mount
Module 8: Kingdom of God
LESSON 29: Mercy + Justice
LESSON 30: Evangelism
LESSON 31: Mission
LESSON 32: Creation Care
Module 9: Church
LESSON 33: Community
LESSON 34: Fivefold Ministry
LESSON 35: Gifts of the Spirit
LESSON 36: Temple of the Holy Spirit
Module 10: Following Jesus
LESSON 37: His Words and Deeds
LESSON 38: His Life of Love
LESSON 39: The Way of the Cross
LESSON 40: The Resurrection