Imagine what would happen if you spent thirty days working to improve a relationship? What kind of connection would that build?

In our busy world, we can gain so much peace, hope, and direction from intentionally spending time with God. More often than not, this translates to investing in our relationship with God the Father and God the Son, but what about God in the third person? The Holy Spirit is a key member of the Trinity because He is the God-inside-us. But on the whole, we hardly spend much time with Him, much less think about Him. He is mysterious, but that doesn’t change the reality that He wants to be known by everyone who wants to know God. He reveals Jesus, the image of the invisible God. More than that, He reveals the Son, who shows us our Father.

God exists in relationship and wants us to enter into relationship with Him, where we discover who we really are. Third Person is a thirty-day journey into a greater understanding of the Holy Spirit’this little-known person of the Trinity. As you gain understanding, you will see your life take on more meaning, color, and direction than you ever thought possible.

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This Course Includes...

  • 30 Lessons